Plastic Additive Manufacturing (Plastic AM) designates several processes to transform this material class.

NB : 3D printing is a Plastic AM process among others ; it is nos synonymous with “additive manufacturing” according to the industrial and academic consensus.

VOLUM-e’s mother company invests in building Plastic AM production capacity since 1993. The processes were first used for rapid prototyping.

VOLUM-e focuses on turning the most industrial and performant Plastic AM processes into key resources. After specializing in the most accurate process of stereolithography (SLA), VOLUM-e has adopted the most productive technology as well : selective laser sintering (SLS).

Cuve stereolithographie

VOLUM-e’s added value

|  One-stop for finished parts

VOLUM-e gathers many experts and machines for finishes : sanding, milling, painting, high-end metallization, varnishing, etching, dimensional controls, etc. Finish options are thus countless and short deadlines can be met.

|  Price competitiveness

Since 1993, VOLUM-e is a pioneer among Plastic AM firms. Thanks to the accumulated capital of machines and experience, production processes are optimized and competitive. 

|  High-performance materials

VOLUM-e pushes back the limits of its core Plastic AM technologies, including the processability of materials with high mechanic and heat resistance properties. The obejctive is to enable new high performancec complex parts to be produced in series.


Stereolithography – SLA

Frittage de poudre fabrication additive plastique

Selective Laser Sintering – SLS