VOLUM-e is a first-rate R&D partner on Additive Manufacturing (AM) topics and significant resources are dedicated to its own research activities. The vision behind all programs is to be able to produce functional parts quickly, nimbly and reliably through AM and thereby achieve unrivaled performances (in weight, geometry, aspect, durability, temperature or stress resistance, etc.) which redefine industry standards .

Today, the number of AM materials and processes reaching industrial standards is in rapid increase. In line with the vision developed by the leadership team and strengthened through experience, VOLUM-e targets its R&D investments to impact a number of strategic operations, among which :

  • New manufacturing processes,
  • Understanding and optimization of post-treatments,
  • Feasibility of new designs,
  • Material sourcing (recyclability, compatibility, bio-sourcing and improved performance),
  • Computer-aided modeling and prediction,
  • Data exchange and decision support.

Besides, the R&D service is geared to reply to such Customer demands as :

Collaboration in public-funded projects

Public-funded research project foster collaboration across organizations for problem-solving. Typically, they gather public research institutes, SMEs and large companies with co-financing from national or European funds. As SME, VOLUM-e contributes to this kind of project by bringing in its process expertise on AM technologies, its production capacity, and its funds in proportion to the expected economic returns.

VOLUM-e participates in public-funded collaborative research projects since its inception :

  • 2000 / 2003 : Direct Tool (European Commission),
  • 2008 / 2011 : Compolight (European Commission),
  • 2011 / 2013 : Sasam (European Commission),
  • 2011 / 2015 : Nano Master (European Commission),
  • 2016 / 2022 : SOFIA (AddUp, BPI et Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes region),
  • 2017 / 2022 : After ALM (IRT M2P).

Research of optimal Metal AM process parameters

VOLUM-e develops process parameter sets which are tailored to meet specific objectives, as defined by the Customer domain of application. For a given raw material, all aspects ranging from productivity to metallurgical and mechanical properties through surface condition can differ significantly depending on process parameters. VOLUM-e is able to adapt and optimize there for specific Customer needs. Moreover, a Customer can obtain exclusive ownership over the new set of parameters.

VOLUM-e developed new Metal AM process parameters for  materials :

  • 32CDV13 et 17-4 PH steels,
  • Confidential aluminium grades.
Prototype FAM
Recherche et developpement

Research of a new Metal AM material

VOLUM-e is an experienced Partner for developing the processability of new materials for Metal AM. This service is performed along the following steps :

  • Feasability study
  • Drawing up the bill of specifications
  • Co-design the experiments
  • Planning
  • Manufacturing on ISO 9001 certified machine with complete traceability
  • Analyses at VOLUM-e, Partner or certified lab
  • Optimization and performance.

The Customer gains exclusive property of the new process parameters which should grant a competitive advantage. Development costs vary depending on the objectives and alloy.